Mental Health Services Hub

Welcome to our Mental Health Services Hub

where well-being meets expertise

At Global OHS we are dedicated to fostering a mentally healthy workplace through a range of specialised services. From comprehensive manager training to engaging talks on mental health more generally, and providing psychological debriefs following traumatic events. We bring a wealth of clinical experience in mental health services, occupational health, and leadership & managerial roles and our mission is to equip your organisation with the tools and knowledge needed to prioritise mental well-being.

Mental Health Training and Workshops for Managers & Human Resources

Equip your managers and HR department with the knowledge and skills to support mental health difficulties in the workplace. 

The training provides practical knowledge and skills to effectively navigate mental health challenges in the workplace. This training delves into recognising early signs of distress, implementing strategies of support, and understanding when to refer to occupational health.

There is a strong emphasis on the importance of maintaining professional boundaries. Covering topics such as mental health conditions, boundaries, risk management, supporting employees, and self-care interventions, this comprehensive program equips participants with valuable tools to create a supportive work environment.

Through interactive discussions, real-life case studies, and evidence-based guidance, managers gain insights into addressing mental health concerns with confidence.

Diverse group of colleagues smiling at camera

Psychological Debriefs

A debrief, also known as psychological first aid, can be beneficial following a critical incident, which is an accumulation of challenging events or an incident with the potential to impact the mental well-being or stress levels of a group of staff or individual staff member. As an experienced trained facilitator, I can ensure support and safeguarding of employees following a traumatic event. 

The purpose of the group debrief is to provide a space to talk about an event and the subsequent impact of this, and to help individuals and teams manage and understand their psychological responses. This is done by normalising reactions, sharing perspectives and reducing feelings of isolation and enhancing existing resilience methods, and signposting further support.

Debriefs can be offered remotely on various digital platforms but face-to-face is usually more beneficial for attendees. They last between 1.5 to 2.5 hours. 

Meet Alex Rhind

Clinical Mental Health Manager & Your Trainer

Mental Health Nurse & Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (OH)

As a mental health professional with well over a decade of experience, I possess extensive knowledge and skill in conducting key note mental health talks, training, and workshops for private, public, and third sector services.

I specialise in the promotion of good mental health in the workplace. I have worked in senior leadership positions in several NHS Trusts and private practice, where I have a proven track record of successfully leading and supervising multi-professional teams through highly challenging times, ensuring their productivity, safety, and effectiveness. 

My approach to the complex subject of mental health is engaging and can assist you and your audience in gaining a deeper understanding of the subject. This can help individuals improve their resilience, equip leaders with the relevant knowledge and create action and accountability in relation to organisational culture and improve well being.

What we cover in this training day

Our no-nonsense approach acknowledges the realities of leading teams, ensuring that managers and HR professionals are equipped with practical tools to navigate mental health challenges effectively. We delve into understanding mental health conditions, risk mitigation strategies, and techniques to enhance employee well-being, all while recognising the importance of employee accountability and addressing the demands of day-to-day leadership responsibilities. 


Gain insights into mental health and leadership, equipping you with practical tools to maintain organisational effectiveness while addressing mental health challenges within your teams.

Mental Health- what is it?

Explore the spectrum of mental health conditions, understanding when normal human emotions and challenges transition into diagnosable conditions.

Boundaries and Risk

Learn to recognise and respond to signs of risk within your team, manage confidentiality and legal obligations, and navigate emergency procedures and crisis/risk management.

Supporting Employees

Discover practical tips for supporting employee mental health, addressing absences, and welcoming employees back after a mental health-related absence, while emphasising personal accountability for mental well-being.

Case Studies

Engage in discussions around real-life case studies, exploring different approaches and best practices when managing mental health issues within your team.

Managers and HR professionals emerge equipped with a deeper understanding of mental health complexities, risk mitigation skills, and methods to enhance employee well-being, all without compromising internal organisational processes. 


Alex - Global ohs - avatar smiling

More Questions?

Please find answers to our most frequently asked questions.  But if there’s anything further you’d like to ask, we’d love to hear from you.

The duration of the mental health training session varies based on your organisation’s needs, ranging from 2.5 hours to a full-day workshop. We tailor the length of the session to ensure comprehensive coverage of topics while accommodating your schedule and preferences.

The training sessions can be delivered either in person or virtually, depending on your organisation’s preferences and logistical considerations. We offer flexible delivery options to accommodate your team’s schedule and location.

Yes, our training is tailored to address the unique challenges and scenarios faced within your industry. We incorporate industry-specific examples and case studies to ensure relevance and applicability for your team.

Absolutely, we understand that every organisation has unique requirements and challenges. Our training can be fully customised to address your specific needs, goals, and objectives, ensuring maximum impact and relevance.

Previous mental health training sessions have received excellent feedback and delivered tangible results for organisations. Participants have appreciated the practical strategies, engaging format, and relevance of the content to their roles.

Feedback is collected at regular intervals following the training, and follow-up check-ins are conducted to ensure the training is effective and meets your organisation’s needs.

Yes, we offer follow-up check-ins to assess the effectiveness of the training and address any additional questions or concerns that may arise.

Additionally, we provide the option for manager coaching/support drop-in sessions to discuss complex cases and provide ongoing guidance and support as needed.